Odds and sods...
* Since the Jake Brown skateboard video was taken down, here's a couple other videos of it. Hey, I'm just glad we're not watching it as a snuff film...
* I think it's cool that Barry Bonds is donating the helmets he wore when he hit 755 and 756 to the Hall of Fame. But he should make it REALLY interesting by also donating a helmet he wore, say, ten years ago...
* Finally, FINALLY, this administration uses my tax dollars properly. Ladies and gentlemen, the pukelight.
* I think it's cool that Barry Bonds is donating the helmets he wore when he hit 755 and 756 to the Hall of Fame. But he should make it REALLY interesting by also donating a helmet he wore, say, ten years ago...
* Finally, FINALLY, this administration uses my tax dollars properly. Ladies and gentlemen, the pukelight.