Nov 30, 2004

Maybe it's an election thing...

We had a condo board election this evening, and man oh man. I've only lived here a year and a half, but I've already heard enough sniping, politicking, accusations, and just plain bad behavior to feel like a lifer in this complex. Today wasn't as bad as it has been in the past, but it was nasty, particularly a couple of curmudgeons who seem to enjoy picking fights and acting in such a way that would embarrass parents if their toddlers did the same.

So, basically, I voted in such a way so the people who can't stand each other have to work together. Hey, if they want to argue so much, let them knock themselves out.

The punchline was that our bylaws state an election is invalid unless there's a quorum of voters, and there wasn't, so the votes remain in limbo until there is.

Kent Brockman was right. Democracy just doesn't work...