Odds and sods...
* In an early contender for the useless-yet-logical-hack-of-the-year category, here's someone who installed a guitar string on their Guitar Hero controller. I'd like to see this concept applied to Trauma Center myself...
* A Popular Mechanics article shows the inside of the burgeoning jet pack industry. Personally, I'd like to see people be able to drive properly in a half-inch of snow before strapping zoomrockets to their back.
* The great taste of cheeseburgers...in a can! And someone actually ate it!
* A Popular Mechanics article shows the inside of the burgeoning jet pack industry. Personally, I'd like to see people be able to drive properly in a half-inch of snow before strapping zoomrockets to their back.
* The great taste of cheeseburgers...in a can! And someone actually ate it!
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