Dec 29, 2004

Chocolate blogging: holiday field report

Time to get off my lazy butt and hit the keyboard; I hope you all had a happy holiday.

In addition to the holiday gifts, I brought a batch of Alton Brown's "white trash" to the family Christmas. Some observations:

1. Lacking the huge steel bowl, I made it in a double boiler and split it into two batches.

2. I ended up using about half the dry goods in Alton's recipe. I probably would have used more if I had the steel bowl.

Anyway, it was a smashing success. The only problem was that mixing the goodies in the melted chocolate was tough in the cramped double boiler. For the second batch, I poured the melted chocolate in the dry goods to mix, which was a mistake. The chocolate in this batch dried too quickly so I ended up with white chocolate-covered snack mix. Fortunately, if you pour it in a handy decorative tin and tell everyone you planned it, no one will know you screwed up, and it still tastes great.

Verdict: Ridiculously easy to make, and delicious (it was scarfed down in hours). But make sure you have the appropriate hardware, which is an Alton Brown axiom.